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29.07.2022 FC Blau-Weiss Linz vs. Young Violets

pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1508 | Image shows an overview of the Hofmann Personal Stadion. Keywords: corner flag, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1509 | Image shows an overview of the Hofmann Personal Stadion. Keywords: corner flag, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1510 | Image show an overview of the Hofmann Personal Stadion. Keywords: scoreboard, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1511 | Image shows an overview of the Hofmann Personal Stadion, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1512 | Image shows Kevin Radulovic (BWL) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1513 | Image shows a feature of a bottle, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1514 | Image shows a feature of a football, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1515 | Image shows Nicolas Schmid (BWL) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1516 | Image shows goalkeeper trainer Manuel Moser (BWL) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1517 | Image shows Nicolas Schmid (BWL) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1518 | Image shows Nicolas Schmid (BWL) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1519 | Image shows goalkeeper trainer Manuel Moser and Nicolas Schmid (BWL) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1520 | Image shows fans with flags and a banner on the grandstand in the Hofmann Personal Stadion, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1521 | Image shows players of Young Violets during of warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1522 | Image shows players of Young Violets during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1523 | Image shows Ronivaldo Bernardo Sales (BWL) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1524 | Image shows Ronivaldo Bernardo Sales (BWL) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1525 | Image shows Ibrahima Drame (AUS) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1526 | Image shows assistant referee1 Andreas Staudinger, referee Andreas Heiss, assistant referee2 Stefan Gamper during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1527 | Image shows Ronivaldo Bernardo Sales (BWL) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1528 | Image shows Sandali Conde (AUS) during warm up, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1529 | Image shows Felix Gschossmann (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1530 | Image shows Felix Gschossmann (BWL) and fans, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1531 | Image shows head coach Gerald Scheiblehner (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1532 | Image shows Christoph Konsel (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1533 | Image shows an overview of the Hofmann Personal Stadion with players of both teams, assistant referee1 Andreas Staudinger, referee Andreas Heiss and assistant referee2 Stefan Gamper, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1534 | Image shows an overview of the Hofmann Personal Stadion with players of both teams, assistant referee1 Andreas Staudinger, referee Andreas Heiss and assistant referee2 Stefan Gamper, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1535 | Image shows an overview of the Hofmann Personal Stadion with players of both teams, assistant referee1 Andreas Staudinger, referee Andreas Heiss and assistant referee2 Stefan Gamper, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1536 | Image shows Niels Hahn (AUS), referee Andreas Heiss and Michael Brandner (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1537 | Image shows Niels Hahn (AUS), referee Andreas Heiss and Michael Brandner (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1538 | Image shows players of Young Violets, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1539 | Image shows players of FC Blau Weiss Linz, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1540 | Image shows assistant referee1 Andreas Staudinger, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1541 | Image shows head coach Gerald Scheiblehner (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1542 | Image shows head coach Harald Suchard (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1543 | Image shows Fally Mayulu (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1544 | Image shows Niels Hahn (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1545 | Image shows Sandali Conde (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1546 | Image shows Sandali Conde (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1547 | Image shows Armand Smrcka (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1548 | Image shows Florian Kopp (AUS) and Ronivaldo Bernardo Sales (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1549 | Image shows Ronivaldo Bernardo Sales (BWL) and Florian Kopp (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1550 | Image shows head coach Gerald Scheiblehner (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1551 | Image shows Sandali Conde (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1552 | Image shows the rejoicing of Simon Seidl (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1553 | Image shows the rejoicing of players of FC Blau Weiss Linz, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1554 | Image shows Christoph Schösswendter (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1555 | Image shows the rejoicing of Matthias Seidl and Ronivaldo Bernardo Sales (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1556 | Image shows the rejoicing of Fally Mayulu and Ronivaldo Bernardo Sales (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1557 | Image shows the rejoicing of players of FC Blau Weiss Linz, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1558 | fImage shows players of both teams, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1559 | Image shows fans with flags and a banner on the grandstand in the Hofmann Personal Stadion, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1560 | Image shows Sandali Conde (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1561 | Image shows Sandali Conde (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1562 | Image shows Fally Mayulu (BWL), Matthias Seidl and Sandali Conde (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1563 | Image shows referee Andreas Heiss, Matthias Seidl (BWL), Sandali Conde and Florian Kopp (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1564 | Image shows Fally Mayulu (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1565 | Image shows Fabio Strauss, Christoph Schösswendter (BWL), Billy Dawson Koumetio (AUS) and Niels Hahn (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1566 | Image shows player of both teams, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1567 | Image shows Nicolas Schmid (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1568 | Image shows Ibrahima Drame (AUS) and referee Andreas Heiss. Keywords: penalty, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1569 | Image shows Ibrahima Drame (AUS). Keyowrds: penalty, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1570 | Image shows Nicolas Schmid (BWL). Keywords: penalty, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1571 | Image shows Nicolas Schmid (BWL). Keywords: penalty, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1572 | Image shows Fabio Strauss (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1573 | Image shows Josef Pross (AUS) and Lukas Tursch (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1574 | Image shows Michael Brandner (BWL). Keywords: penalty, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1575 | Image shows the rejoicing of Michael Brandner and Simon Pirkl (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1576 | Image shows the rejoicing of players of FC Blau Weiss Linz, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1577 | Image shows Fabio Strauss (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1578 | Image shows Ibrahima Drame (AUS) and Fabio Strauss (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1579 | Image shows head coach Gerald Scheiblehner (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1580 | Image shows Simon Pirkl (BWL) and Josef Pross (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1581 | Image shows Niels Hahn (AUS), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1582 | Image shows Matthias Seidl, Ronivaldo Bernardo Sales (BWL), Josef Pross (AUS) and referee Andreas Heiss, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1583 | Image shows the rejoicing of Michael Brandner (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1584 | Image shows the rejoicing of players of FC Blau Weiss Linz, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1585 | Image shows the rejoicing of players of FC Blau Weiss Linz, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1586 | Image shows Nicolas Schmid (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1587 | Image shows assistant referee1 Andreas Staudinger, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1588 | Image shows Michael Brandner (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1589 | Image shows players of both teams, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1590 | Image shows players of both teams, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1591 | Image shows players of both teams, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1592 | Image shows a fan of Ronivaldo Bernardo Sales (BWL) with flags and a banner on the grandstand in the Hofmann Personal Stadion, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1593 | Image shows an overview of the Hofmann Personal Stadion. Keywords: scoreboard, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1594 | Image shows an overview of the Hofmann Personal Stadion with assistant referee1 Andreas Staudinger, referee Andreas Heiss and assistant referee2 Stefan Gamper, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1595 | Image shows the rejoicing of players of FC Blau Weiss Linz, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1596 | Image shows Ronivaldo Bernardo Sales (BWL) and a fan with flags and a banner in the grandstand in the Hofmann Personal Stadion, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1597 | Image shows Simon Seidl, Fabian Neumayr (BWL) and Georg Leblhuber (Krone OÖ) during an interview, FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1598 | Image shows Simon Seidl and Matthias Seidl (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1599 | Image shows Simon Seidl and Matthias Seidl (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1600 | Image shows head coach Gerald Scheiblehner (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729pictureshooting.AT-20220729-1601 | Simon Seidl, head coach Gerald Scheiblehner and Matthias Seidl (BWL), FC Blau-Weiss Linz (blau) vs. Young Violets (weiss), ADMIRAL 2. Liga, Fußball /Foto: Albert Mikovits Datum 20220729